Community message
- Published May 12 2024
- Community Message
Community message from JCCV President, Philip Zajac.
This week, I would like to urge the community to try not to feel too dragged down by those who seek to do us harm, rather to focus on feeling uplifted as we mark three milestone days in our calendar.
My Vice President Hayley Southwick welcomed more than 1000 people to the JCCV Yom Hashoah commemoration. It was the largest audience in recent years and testament to our collective commitment to keep alive the memory of the six million Jews whose lives were taken prematurely during the Holocaust.

The testimony from Dr Henry Ekert AM pondered the idea of “luck”. While Dr Ekert was indeed able to survive the many many attempts made on his life by the Nazis and their collaborators, no one could ever consider him fortunate to have seen the horrors, the terror and the tragedy he was exposed to.
Six candlelighters – survivors who lived through the Holocaust across Europe – bravely lit six memorial candles. Thank you to Stephen Chemke, Stephen Fleiszig, Michele Huppert, Gilah Leder, Jack Leder and Roza Riakkenen and their families.
It was a highlight for many there to hear the dedication of children to the memory of the Holocaust. Representatives of our community’s youth groups read dispatches sent during the Holocaust. School students spoke eloquently on the theme “We Are Here”. And the multi-school choir returned with an impassioned version of The Partisan Hymn.
Our commitment to remember the Holocaust cannot be allowed to dim or waiver. Even at a time when we are so focussed on the threats to Israel and the current intimidation and harassment of Jewish people, we dedicate ourselves to remember the six million.
This week, we mark Yom Hazikaron – the day of memorial for fallen Israel soldiers and victims of terrorism – and then Israel’s independence day, Yom Ha’atzmaut. These days will be different this year, but we are safe in the knowledge that despite the terrible losses, Israel continues to stand up to the challenges thrown at it.
This week, the Victorian Government presented its Budget. Among the announcements, you may have seen a $6 million pledge for security upgrades at faith-based schools in Victoria, including Jewish schools.
This week, the Victorian Government also opened applications for the Jewish Community Infrastructure Program to improve safety and security of Jewish community buildings, with a priority on smaller organisations. The JCCV office will be in touch with JCCV member organisations to provide more information, but in the meantime, you can view the Government’s media release here:
I sent out a university update on Thursday evening. You can view it here. I will continue to update the community on campus matters and the JCCV continues to work closely with AUJS and CSG.
The JCCV will also host a community forum on universities on the evening of Monday June 3. Details to come.
This week, the JCCV spoke to a person who was shocked to hear children at Fitzroy Primary School chanting “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free”.
The JCCV followed up with the acting principal, who was diligent in addressing the matter. He told the JCCV that the children involved were participating in the school’s after-care program. The school had followed up with after-care educators, the children themselves and would be following up with their families as well.
He said the children involved were very young and not aware of the meaning of what they were saying. However he used it as an opportunity to help the children understand that some words can be offensive and to explain that there is no place for statements like that at school. The JCCV appreciates the response of Fitzroy Primary School leaders.
This weeks’ Community Koved goes to the volunteers on the JCCV’s Yom Hashoah Committee. The dedication, experience and skills that they contributed to the commemoration were invaluable. The theme, content, participants, AV elements, promotion and more, were all thanks to their input and efforts. We are immensely grateful to have worked alongside them, and for the memorable experience they gave the community.