Community message
- Published December 15 2024
- Community Message
We are running out of words to describe the shocks to our community over the past year and a bit.

I have taken immense strength from the unity of our Jewish community in response to last Friday’s likely terrorist attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue.
I would like to pay tribute to the resilience of the small and close knit Adass Israel community. Despite their hurt and distress, they have led the community’s response to this horrendous crime with grace and calm. Led by president Michael Spiegelman and his board, they have been true menschen as they hosted prime ministers, premiers, ministers and VIPs all under the glare of TV cameras, all week long. At the same time, they have juggled the logistics of trying to find alternative spaces to pray and learn.
The JCCV has provided Adass Israel with any support they need, including with government relations and crisis management.
We were particularly pleased to connect the Jewish Museum of Australia with the Adass Israel community to ensure the cards, letters and trinkets left by so many will be collected and stored for posterity.

It was also a great privilege to host a group of faith leaders outside the synagogue on Tuesday. Faith leaders from the Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Bah’ai and Jewish leaders. We heard incredibly moving words from Bishop Philip Huggins, Sheikh Muhammad Nawas and Rabbi Ralph Genende.
Bishop Huggins said “People must be able to come to their places of worship and now that they are safe and know that they can bring what’s in their hearts, that they can be in a community of their friends and their family, safely. This is fundamental to any civilized society. We know this is such an important principle and that is why we are here.”
I urge you to read statements sent to our community from many multifaith and multicultural groups:
- Victorian Multicultural Commission Multifaith Advisory Group
- Faith Community Council of Victoria
- The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has compiled some of the other messages of support that have been received

In response to a request from Adass Israel leaders, the JCCV has also been encouraging community members to donate to the rebuilding campaign. While insurance will likely cover some of the community’s expenses, as shul board member Binyomin Klein said this week “We will come back bigger and better … a jewel in the crown once again.”
Under the leadership of CSG, the JCCV has been active in the Jewish Community Crisis Management plan, which has been activated.
We have coordinated with CSG to assist with crisis recovery and rebuild. Among the steps taken include:
- Providing assistance to Adass Israel community leadership.
- Making sure community members are aware that support is available. This crisis has impacted us all and we look after ourselves.
- Providing essential updates for community professionals.
- Liaising with Victorian Government, government agencies and Victoria Police.
- Leading the response in the local media.
I wrote to the Premier Jacinta Allan straight after this attack to reiterate the JCCV’s calls for action to address antisemitism. We have been calling for specific action for nearly a year now and will continue to.
Our requests to the Premier are:
- Urgent introduction of stronger laws to restrict harmful, intimidating and highly disruptive protests.
- Establishment of a short-term working group bringing together Government, local MPs, law enforcement and Department of Justice and Community Safety representatives, and community leaders.
- Ongoing government support provided to the Adass Israel community and broader Jewish community.
I am meeting with Australia’s Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism Jillian Segal tomorrow to discuss urgent steps needed. Jillian will be taking this feedback straight to the Prime Minister.
- ‘They thought this would never happen here’: attack on Melbourne synagogue revives memories of past atrocities – The Guardian
- Politicians condemn Synagogue attack – ABC Listen
- Antisemitism ‘continues to increase’ on Australian streets – Sky News
- Opinion: When you let anti-Semitism fester, this is what happens – Herald Sun