Community message
- Published March 17 2024
- Community Message
Community message from JCCV President, Philip Zajac.
We have some real heroes in our community. Men and women who spend hundreds of hours of building vibrant Jewish life in Melbourne.
JCCV CEO Naomi Levin met with the rabbi and president of one of our smaller congregations this week. Their passion, commitment and dedication was inspiring. They do not seek plaudits, or ask for recognition, instead they work tirelessly to bring Jewish people together for chagim, to educate their local non-Jewish community and to ensure the continuity of Am Yisrael.
If you know someone like this, please let us know. I would like to use this weekly message to start giving a “Community Koved” (a “community honour”) each week to an unsung hero of the Victorian Jewish community. Please send your nominations, including full name, organisation (if applicable), a photo and short description of why they deserve a Community Koved, to
Debate is a sacred notion to Jewish people – from the Talmud on, Jewish people put a high value on discussion, argument and disagreement.
But in our Jewish community, there is no place for abuse, attack or hatred against one another.
It has come to my attention that Jewish people are attacking, insulting and being rude to Jewish leaders or organisations on social media when they disagree with a stance they take or a statement they make.
I would urge our whole community to continue to debate, discuss and argue with vigour. But please refrain from attacks and abuse. This is the last thing we need during trying times.
This week, two JCCV board members attended an Iftar dinner hosted by the Australian Intercultural Society and attending by Deputy Premier Ben Carroll and Opposition Leader John Pesutto. JCCV CEO Naomi Levin also attended a multicultural women’s event hosted by the Department of Home Affairs.
There are many points of view in our community about the value in spending time engaging with Victorians from other faith communities.
While the JCCV has suspended participation with faith leaders who have spread antisemitism, condoned terrorism or otherwise been offensive, we must maintain and build bridges with those who are supportive and reasonable.
There are many Victorians who seek to learn more about the Jewish community and who would like to understand more deeply our strong connection to Israel. These are the people the JCCV is working with.

The JCCV met this week with Goldstein MP Zoe Daniel. Ms Daniel has called for a resumption of Australian funding to UNRWA, as a way of alleviating the suffering of Gazan civilians. We explained that while our community does not want to see unnecessary suffering, this was not a view shared by many of us. We are all too aware that, for many years, UNRWA has harboured Hamas, has allowed antisemitic material to be taught in its schools, and now we know that UNRWA staff participated in October 7.
The discussion also included an update on the security situation facing the Victorian Jewish community, growing concerns about the mental health and wellbeing of community members and fractures in social cohesion in the wider community.
For media inquiries, please contact the JCCV on +61 3 9272 5566 or email