Community message
- Published December 22 2024
- Community Message

As we begin the difficult journey of healing after the terrorist attack at the Adass Israel Synagogue, the JCCV has launched a powerful movement to OUTSHINE HATE.
Light is universally recognised as a symbol of hope. In every culture, light overcomes darkness, and we believe that through collective action, we can outshine hate.
Please join us in spreading the light by participating in the campaign – full details can be found here. We encourage you to post photos of Chanukah candles, lanterns, or colourful lights on your own social media with #endhate and #outshinehate.
Together, we can bring light during a dark time.
I spoke with Premier Jacinta Allan on Tuesday ahead of her announcement of a series of reforms to deal with antisemitism.
You can read the Premier’s remarks to the media here and consider the reforms she announced here.
We thank the Premier for her constructive engagement with Jewish community leaders following the attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue. We will continue to consult with the Government around the details of these reforms.
The JCCV also stands ready to represent the Jewish community on the soon-to-be established Local Escalation and Help group, which is expected to bring Jewish leaders and bureaucrats together to better deal with emerging and existing challenges.
The JCCV continues to work closely with Adass Israel leadership to support its crisis response. The Adass Israel congregation have now established an alternative location for services that will serve them for the short-term. While the building damage is assessed, they are continuing to fundraise to rebuild their centre.
It is important that all community members consider their own mental wellbeing in the aftermath of this difficult time.
Free wellbeing support and counselling is still available:
- Chevra Hatzolah – or (03) 8534 0100
- Jewish Care (03) 8517 5999
The JCCV hosted an emergency roundtable discussion with Australia’s Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism Jillian Segal this week. A small group of rabbis, educators and community leaders provided input to the Special Envoy as she continues to develop practical initiatives that will allow the Federal Government to better address antisemitism at a national level. Thank you to the Melbourne Holocaust Museum, which provided its fantastic facility for the roundtable at very short notice.
Later in the week, a new website for the envoy was launched.

JCCV CEO Naomi Levin met with Australia’s Governor General Sam Mostyn (pictured above) at St Kilda Hebrew Congregation this week. During the visit, hosted by St Kilda Hebrew Congregation President Silviu Itescu and Rabbi Yaakov Glasman, the Governor General heard from Adass Israel board member Binyomin Klein about the impact of the terrorist attack, and spoke more broadly about the community impact with ECAJ president Daniel Aghion KC and Naomi. She told us that her leadership goal is to make Australia a better place by fostering care and kindness during her travels across the country.
- PM radio program, ABC
- Victoria Police to be given broader powers to remove masks in protest clampdown, ABC
- After suspected terror attack on synagogue, Australia’s Jewish community is feeling unsettled but supported, ABC
- Nine News, Dec 17
- Face masks, terrorist flags to be banned under major protest crackdown, Herald Sun
- Victoria will legislate to ‘thwart’ protests at places of worship while banning masks and flags, The Guardian
JCCV extends its heartfelt gratitude to the many partners who collaborated with us throughout 2024. These include Jewish social services and welfare providers, community volunteers and leaders, rabbis, schools, and Jewish educators, as well as Victoria Police, the Community Security Group, Victorian MPs, and local councils.
To our community, a big thank you for your unwavering support. We will return with our Sunday message on 12 January 2025. Wishing everyone a fantastic 2025, a year filled with peace, wellbeing, unity and the safe return of those still held in captivity.

Did you know Hanukkah is unique among Jewish holidays? Most begin on specific days of the week, but Hanukkah can start on any day—except Tuesday! This is because the length of the preceding month, Cheshvan, can vary between 29 and 30 days, shifting the start of Hanukkah to all days of the week except Tuesday.
As we light the candles, may their glow bring warmth, joy, and light to your home and community