Community message
- Published June 23 2024
- Community Message
Community message from JCCV President, Philip Zajac.
The JCCV continues to work closely with Victoria Police to ensure our community is safe.
We have been meeting regularly with police to try and understand their response to antisemitism and the nature of the challenge. As a result of this work, Victoria Police has released data via the JCCV on the situation since October 7 in Victoria. The full statement can be found here.
In the past seven months, 60 people have been arrested in Victoria in relation to hate crimes, and we remain seriously concerned about the volume of incidents, particularly those motivated by antisemitism and Israel hate.
In addition, recently released crime statistics indicate that in 2023, Victoria Police recorded 47 offences related to the public display of a Nazi symbol or gesture. These new offences were introduced in 2022 and 2023.
We all deserve to live safely and free from antisemitism. Anti-Jewish hate is a unique problem that must be addressed and more needs to be done to ensure that Jewish Victorians are safe at home, at work, in all parts of the city, in public places, and in our community spaces. Right now, we want to see swift action.
That is why the JCCV is continuing our Action Not Words campaign, calling for political leaders to take specific steps to address anti-Jewish hate in Victoria.
We have met already with Lord Mayor Sally Capp and Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece, as well as Zoe Daniel MP, to discuss the campaign. We have a number of further meetings with Government and Opposition MPs lined up in coming weeks.
We are waiting to see action to prevent incidents like that which took place outside Josh Burns MP’s office this week.

As Josh wrote in The Age: “I fear this ongoing escalation of violent behaviour will end up with someone getting seriously hurt, or worse.”
The only way to turn it around is to take action:
- Show moral clarity;
- Have consequences for government-appointed individuals who cross the line;
- Implement urgent law reforms;
- Create funding certainty for school security;
- Have an increased focus on education around respect and antisemitism.
This week, my Vice President Hayley Southwick answered community questions at a forum organised by grassroots group, Project A. It was a great opportunity for community members to hear directly from leaders about the work they are doing.

It is important to end on a really positive note. I would like to give a hearty mazal tov to all recipients of King’s Birthday Honours, in particular members of the Victorian Jewish community:
The Hon Kevin Bell AO
Professor Ross Coppel AO
Daniel Besen AM
Professor Sharon Goldfeld AM
Jacob Goldstein AM (z’l)
Sharene Hambur AM
Dr Ida Kaplan AM
Leonard Vary AM
Dr David Zyngier AM (z’l)
Annette Gladwin OAM
The JCCV has outlined what #ActionNotWords means to us and what steps we want our state and federal government to take.
We want to ask YOU – what does #ActionNotWords look like to you? Share with us by emailing – or sharing on social media with #ActionNotWords