Community message
- Published July 7 2024
- Community Message
Community message from JCCV President, Philip Zajac.
As many of you will be aware, the JCCV has been running an Action Not Words campaign. We are urging our leaders to take more real, impactful actions to address anti-Jewish hate and the spread of extremism.
In response to the JCCV’s campaign, one of the actions that has been proposed – and which has the JCCV’s full support – is the formation of a bipartisan parliamentary working group on antisemitism with an independent chair.
In speaking to the idea in Parliament, Deputy Leader of the Opposition David Southwick said, “Words are not enough, we need action”. We understand that the initiative has the support of Government MPs as well, to scope out a way forward.
I met with Member for Brighton James Newbury to discuss the working group following his recent trip to Israel. James is particularly keen to respond after hearing alarming accounts of antisemitism against a rabbi and his family who live in his electorate.
In the most recent Parliamentary session, James called for, among other things, the Parliament to consider “pleas by the community, including the Jewish Community Council of Victoria, that the level of antisemitism has reached a point where the time for listening is over and the time for action is here”.
The JCCV will continue to work with community leaders from all political backgrounds to reverse the current spate of antisemitism and extremism and bring back respect and social cohesion.
This week I had the privilege of meeting with independent Senator Jacqui Lambie. Senator Lambie has been one of the most principled voices in the Australian Parliament in support of the Australian Jewish community and one of the most outspoken critics of Hamas and their friends.
Keep in mind that Senator Lambie is a Senator for Tasmania, a state with a tiny Jewish population, and there are no votes for her in taking this stance. She speaks out because the cause is just.
Just this week she supported the Bill to introduce a Commission of Inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian Universities, outlining in the clearest terms what she expects to happen to those institutions that fail to act against antisemitic behaviour: “They get millions of dollars of Australian taxpayers’ money, and they can’t behave themselves. They need to be disciplined. They need to know that this cannot happen in this country. Because they have no courage to stand up against this, they’re not carrying our Australian values, and it’s probably time that your government and the minister get tough with them.”
Thank you Senator Lambie for your continued support.

Last week, JCCV CEO Naomi Levin held discussions with a group of local Hindu leaders at Jewish Care. The meeting, hosted by Rabbi Ralph Genende, was an opportunity to learn about all we have in common with the Hindu community.
We heard about the enormous Hindu temple sites around Melbourne and the role they play in community life, providing religious services but also social connection, cultural education and services for the elderly.
Naomi shared an overview of our diverse and highly organised community and the many and varied groups and interests across Jewish Melbourne.
The Hindu representatives there were able to relate to our connection with Israel and the concept of Zionism. They have a similar connection to India, a multicultural country like Israel, but also the spiritual homeland of Hindu people.
We look forward to continued friendship with our Hindu neighbours.
I would also like to share an article that was recently sent to the JCCV office from a Catholic magazine. The article, Antisemitism: Four Clear Reasons Why Catholics Must Speak Up, was an engaging and heartening read written by a local Catholic author.
We must continue to build closer ties with the many Australians who empathise with us and are proud to have Jewish friends.
Zichrono Livracha – In Memorium

This week, Professor William Rubinstein OAM passed away. Bill, a historian, made an enormous contribution to documenting the history of the Australian Jewish community. He was foundation editor of the Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal (1985-95) and president of the Australian Association of Jewish Studies (1989-91).
Together with his wife Hilary, also a historian, they published the encyclopaedic Jews in Australia: A thematic history and other dozens of other books, papers and monographs with Jewish themes, both historic and contemporary.
As recently as last month, Bill was still making contributions to community debate, writing an erudite summary of local sources of anti-Israel activity for the Australian Jewish News.
We wish long life to his family. May his memory be a blessing.
The JCCV has outlined what #ActionNotWords means to us and what steps we want our state and federal government to take.
Get involved by sharing the campaign on social media and with your local leaders.