Community message
- Published December 8 2024
- Community Message
This Friday we woke up to the news that the Adass Israel Synagogue, the heart of the Adass community, was firebombed.
First and foremost, we wish those physically injured a swift and full recovery. We also extend our support to the broader Jewish community as it begins the process of healing from this traumatic event.
Second, though we were shocked, we were not surprised by this heinous attack. We have been warning about an unacceptable rise in antisemitism for more than a year. We hoped it would never come to this, but on Friday, our fears were realised.
This attack is not just a crime against a place of worship, but an affront to the values of tolerance, respect, and safety that should define our society.
The JCCV will continue to advocate strongly against antisemitism in all its forms and work with law enforcement, government, and community organisations to ensure the safety of Jewish Victorians. We remain committed to fostering understanding and resilience as we support our community in recovering from this distressing incident.
JCCV CEO Naomi Levin and ECAJ President Daniel Aghion KC spoke to the media about the firebombing.
At the start of another Summer here in Melbourne, our Jewish community is bursting with energy and vibrancy. Among the many things happening, we have seen:
- School graduations and end-of-year concerts across our Jewish schools.
- Chanukah parties starting already, even though Chanukah is not till later this month. Scroll down to see flyers and choose an event that appeals to you and your family.
- One of our finest contemporary artists, Yvette Coppersmith, exhibiting at Glen Eira City Council Gallery.
- A new amazing looking kosher patisserie on Hawthorn Road, Sweetheart Patisserie, under the supervision of Kosher Australia.
I urge you to continue to support Jewish organisations, Jewish-owned small businesses and Jewish creatives. With your support we build and maintain a bright, colourful and active Jewish community.
JCCV staff were proud to take part in an Aboriginal flag raising at Beth Weizmann Jewish Community Centre this week. The flag raising was hosted by Zionism Victoria as part of its Connecting Cultures program.
We were joined by a number of Indigenous elders and dignitaries, including one of our community’s staunchest supporters Nova Peris OAM OLY. The JCCV was proud to participate in this event to acknowledge the Indigenous people who have cared for this land for so long.
Ahead of this flag raising, JCCV staff participated in a truth telling session with local Indigenous man Josef Tye, a Yorta Yorta and Boonwurrung – Dugala/Wurneet man. As well as being knowledgeable about his own community, Josef knows our Jewish community well. We shared our experiences and looked ahead to better days for Indigenous and Jewish Australians. Thank you to Stand Up for facilitating this impactful session.

As I return back to Melbourne from Israel, I must again pay tribute to the strength and resilience of all Israelis. During my short visit, they have given me strength and cemented my belief that we will, of course, get through this. As I am, I urge you to show the same strength and spirit to re-commit to contributing to a strong and vibrant Jewish life.