Community message
- Published May 15 2024
- Community Message
Community message from JCCV President, Philip Zajac.
This is a follow up message from the JCCV to help the community understand what is happening at local universities.
The JCCV continues to work closely with Australasian Union of Jewish Student (AUJS) leaders, AUJS campus heads, academics and families to protect the safety and wellbeing of all who study, work or visit universities.
The JCCV welcomes steps by a number of Victorian universities to draw a line on inappropriate behaviour.
The JCCV also acknowledges enhanced efforts by Victoria Police to keep our community safe, including at recent Jewish community commemorations for Yom Hashoah and Yom Hazikaron held at Monash University.
We appreciate the call by Deakin University Deputy Vice-Chancellor Kerrie Parker, who has requested the encampment at Deakin Burwood be dismantled. All students, including Jewish students, have the right to access their university safely and without being harassed. We urge other universities to follow Deakin’s lead and tell encampment organisers it is time to pack up.
Monash University has also continued to show leadership. The JCCV welcomes Monash Security and Victoria Police’s efforts to check ID cards and remove any non-students involved in the encampment at Clayton. The JCCV has received reports of radical extremists in the encampments, individuals who have no connection to the university and are inciting hate. These troublemakers have no place at our universities.
We urge universities to continue to enforce their own codes of conducts. Media has reported that Monash University has warned students that using phrases like “intifada” or “from the river to the sea” may lead to disciplinary action. However, the JCCV has received many reports of students continuing to use these violent slogans. Codes of conduct have value only when they are enforced.
The University of Melbourne has been slower to act. University council member and Jewish community leader Mark Leibler AC said that Chancellor Jane Hansen has refused to publicly recognise that there is an antisemitism crisis on her campus.
Mark wrote in The Australian: “From my experience, senior leaders at Melbourne University, who have been dealing with Jewish students at the coalface, have been both sensitive and empathetic, which makes chancellor Jane Hansen’s refusal to publicly recognise that there is an antisemitism crisis taking place on our campus all the more surprising and disheartening.”
There is support available for our university students. Hatzolah is offering free one-on-one counselling with experienced psychologists for all students. These sessions can help students deal with feeling overwhelmed, anxious or who just need a listening ear.
Universities are investigating reports of vilifying or harassing conduct on campus. All students and faculty are urged to report incidents to CSG and to their university.
The JCCV has been told by students that the reporting processes at many universities need improvement. However it is critical to continue reporting anti-Jewish conduct so that universities have a full picture of the current situation. If in doubt, just report!

Many of our political leaders have called out antisemitism on campus. Locally, Member for Caulfield David Southwick has launched calling for the immediate dismantling of encampments at universities. Member for Macnamara Josh Burns spoke at Melbourne’s Yom Hashoah event for the Parliamentary Friends of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and noted the importance of the group, which he co-chairs, in drawing attention to combatting antisemitism at the highest levels. Member for Goldstein Zoe Daniel published a statement noting she had written to Education Minister Jason Clare on the issue, saying “antisemitism must not be tolerated in our universities or in our communities, ever”.
Naomi Levin, JCCV CEO, has also met with Member for Berowra Julian Leeser to discuss his proposed judicial review into antisemitism at universities. An independent judicial review could fairly investigate a broad range of matters – from the encampments, to boycotts of Jewish academics.
The JCCV stands with our students and university staff. We urge them to look after themselves, physically and emotionally, at this difficult time and reach out for support. Our community is stronger when we work together.
You are invited to join our upcoming plenum on Monday, 3 June, 2024. We will be hosting a panel of academics and students who will be discussing how antisemitisim is currently being addressed on campuses.
Spots are limited, so please reserve your seat today.
Please note: the evening will commence with plenum formalities for JCCV members and delegates. If you are not a member or delegate, you are welcome to reserve a seat just for the panel and arrive a bit later. Only book 1 ticket per person.